
In a thirsty regional town, dynamic duo Georgina (George) McPherson and her best friend Pauline (Paul) Nicholls get their big break in a drought documentary. Tired of having to subscribe to an old school vibe, George and Paul propose a refreshed angle about life on the land that relies less on the despair and more on the magic. When their vibrant version is thrown out by a broadcast exec in the big smoke, they decide to take the matter into their own hands and stage a shed show that puts the spotlight on stories from the sticks. Homepsun re-imagines the idea that the city is the ultimate. It invites people back to the boundless beauty of the bush and celebrates the people in it, to rejuvenate and re-connect.

Homespun is a story of self-belief and the power of female friendship, in an environment of grit and grunt, where dirt gets under your fingernails and sheep shit gets in your hair. Homespun explores the ideas of hope, resilience, connection to land, natural instinct, season and the cyclical nature of life. It challenges commonly held ideas about the bush being backwards by converging city and country worlds through shared, contemporary issues. It presents modern day bush feminine figures as vibrant, vivacious characters who are highly visible, adventurous and entrepreneurial. Homespun considers what it means to be a woman in regional Australia in a time where the seeds of female voices are finally being cultivated. The concrete jungle is buckling under the weight of the rat race and exhaust smoke- I’d like to bring people back to the bush to highlight the human race and smoko.